Session 4 Year 2024 Production Project

Manilla Road at Metal Magic” by Septikphoto is licensed under CC BY 2.0.




Intention (SMART Goal) for the Session

I want to create a death metal music video that incorporates depictions of war that coincide with the lyrical content between performance shots. I will know if I successfully met my goal if we create an enticing and coherent music video with incorporated war footage. I do think this goal is achievable if I hold myself accountable and apply myself 100% into this project. I am setting this goal because I want to learn how to create interesting and unique music videos.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Bill Pope and Michael Salomon – Metallica – One

  • Monochrome color grading
  • Cuts between movie footage and performance shots

Death – The Philosopher

  • Fast cuts between performance shots
  • Slow motion shots
  • Dutch angles
  • Cuts between story footage and performance shots

Training Source(s)

Project Timeline

  2. Pick role
  3. Research leaders
    • Take notes
  4. Watch video tutorials on how to become better at chosen role
    • Take notes
  5. Watch the aforementioned music videos
    • Take notes
  6. Create plot for the story
  7. Create project storyboard
  8. Recruit musicians to film full band performance
  9. Rehearse the song
  12. Film individual and close-up performance shots
  13. Film full band shots
  14. Film the story
  17. Edit footage
  18. Align all video clips with music

Pre-production Milestones

  • Establish performance setting and opening shots
  • Recruit musicians
  • Rehearse song

Production Milestones

  • Film close-up and solo shots
  • Film full band performance shots
  • Film story


  • Align clips with music
  • Edit clips to create a cohesive story
  • Be done

Proposed Budget

Film Budget Sheet

Evidence of Team Planning and Decisions

Place screenshots of the following…

  1. Trello Board
  2. Storyboard (FILM) (with comments for each role) OR other planning documents like sketches, flowcharts (GAME DESIGN), etc.



Reduced To Slaves

Evil thrashing death metal music video.

Skills Commentary

Team 3a Slideshow

I was the director for this film. I focused on directing the cinematographer to achieve my desired end result. I set up the stills and close up shots as well as setting up the lighting. I have had editing experience in the past, so I also edited my own cut of the music video, focusing mainly on fast cuts and transitions between shots. I chose to edit the film in black and white because I felt that it fit the dark atmosphere the song provides.


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

One of the ways I had to problem solve was having to relearn the editing software I used in a short amount of time. Jumping back into editing after years of having not done so was a challenge.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Reactions to the Final Version

The lighting was well done and consistent throughout every shot. The cuts and edits felt somewhat meaningless and started to all feel the same after a certain point. Some shots would have benefitted from having been let to linger a little while longer.

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

I agree with the editing critiques. I will admit the editing was a bit rushed due to the limited amount of time I had on the computer at home, and also because of having not edited any videos on the program I used in 6 years.

Despite everything, I am mostly satisfied with the final result; it was born through the labor of love for the music I have created, and I look forward to creating more and growing as a filmmaker in the future.

Grammar and Spelling



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